Schedule an Appointment Through Our Inquiry Form

Please utilize our 'Inquiry Form' to describe your symptoms. We exclusively accept emails; phone calls or walk-ins are not permitted due to limited number of staff. Upon receiving your inquiry, we will contact you within 3 working days.
Note: During Golden Week in May, Obon holiday in August, and the year-end and New Year holiday seasons, there may be a waiting period of more than 1 week.

** Please be sure to provide detailed information about your symptoms. Specify where you are experiencing pain, when it started, and any discomfort or unusual sensations you may be feeling.

Initial Consultation Procedure

  • Our doctor will inquire about the location and nature of your pain to check if you have moya moya blood vessels (abnormal blood vessels). In addition to visual and palpation examinations, we will use echocardiography (ultrasound) to assess the condition of your blood vessels. If deemed necessary, MRI will be taken.
    ** We do not have an MRI facility at our clinic. Therefore, you may either bring MRI scans taken elsewhere or, if necessary, we may ask you to visit an affiliated facility for the imaging. Echocardiography (ultrasound) can be performed immediately at our clinic, and there is no additional cost for this service
  • The choice of treatment procedures, such as using injections to alleviate issues with blood vessels or performing catheterization, will be determined by our doctor based on your symptoms.
    **Catheterization will not be performed during your first visit.
  • In the initial consultation, there may be cases where it is determined that our treatment is not applicable to the diagnosed condition. In such instances, the initial consultation fee will still apply.