奧野院長在GEST MSK Paris國際學會發表演講

1月18日和19日,奧野總院長參加了在巴黎舉辦的國際學會 GEST MSK Paris。
GEST MSK Paris 是一場聚焦於血管內治療領域,特別是 肌肉骨骼系統(Musculoskeletal, MSK) 疾病的國際學術會議。

Session 2: KOA: The Technical CornerModerator & Speaker: Debate entitled “Do I need to refer the patient to an orthopedic surgeon before GAE?”
Session 4: MSK Embolization: The Practice Development CornerTitle: Tips and tricks to create your practice in sports injury
Session 5: Adhesive Capsulitis (AC) and BeyondTitle: Technique: Step by step”
Session 6 Lower Limb: Sports Injuries and OthersTitle: Video case on Plantar Fasciitis ※Video Case
Session 7: Upper Limb: Sports Injuries and Others Title: Technique, material, and results for wrist and fingers embolizationTitle: Video case on Arthritis ※Video Case